Checking the health of your hard drive allows you to identify any potential issues before they become major problems that could result in data loss

Whether data can be recovered from a non-functional hard drive can be quite distressing for those who have encountered such a failure. A hard drive’s

Failed XenServer Storage Repositories can be a major headache for system administrators and IT teams. If the repository is not accessible, it can result in

Corrupted hard drives can result from a variety of factors, including logical, physical, or mechanical damage. These issues can impact multiple folders and files simultaneously,

Western Digital is one of the leading manufacturers of storage devices available on the market. We love working with WD hard drives, NAS devices, and

On a daily basis, we receive a large volume of data storage devices for data recovery, the majority of which are similar and relatively straightforward

Today, we want to write about another successful data recovery case from a damaged RAID array. The drive failure of the server, causing data loss,

We are happily sharing another successful case about compact flash card recovery from SanDisk Extreme 64GB storage device. The customer who needed to recover data

Data loss can be a significant problem for businesses, especially when it comes to critical data stored on RAID arrays. RAID 10 is a popular

Noticing hard drive failure can be complex, but several sharp symptoms can display storage device malfunction. When a Seagate internal or external hard drive fails,

Device encryption helps protect your data, and it is available on a vast range of Windows devices. If you turn on encryption, the data on

Recently, we received a RAID 5 recovery case with three-member drives taken out from Dell PowerEdge R720 Server. The IT technician described that two out